How to Make Scrunchies DIY Fashion Tutorial

Learn how to use this tutorial to sew your own DIY Scrunchies – no visible stitching on the outside makes those look professional. This sewing project is ideal for sewing scrunchies for gifts or scrunchies for sale.

How to Make Scrunchies DIY Fashion | Ginger Tabby Cat with Cream Container on its Ears Pounce

How you sew professional looking scrunchies or hair ties
Today scrunchies are made of rich fabrics such as velvet and silk and old standbys such as t-shirt knits. This approach may take a little longer, however leads to a more successful conclusion. No topstitching visible on them!
This is also one of my first projects for sewing, I recall. Scrunchies  is a smart way to use scraps.
And the best part of this project is that the way they are made works to make headbands and infinity scarves too! The only difference is that you add elastic to the scrunchies, and of course you cut the fabric to different sizes for each project. 
Supplies used to sew scrunchies:
Fabric, 18 in x 4 inches
8 in of 1/4 inch wide elastic – make this 9 if your hair is really thick
Needle and thread
Safety pin
Optional – tube turner
How to sew scrunchies
Fold fabric in half, stitch long edge, leaving gap
Turn tube halfway to the right side, match short raw ends
Stitch around the short ends of the tube
Turn right side out through seam gap
Insert elastic
Stitch seam gap closed
Time needed: 10 minutes.
Steps on how to sew a scrunchie:
  • Fold fabric in half and sew on the long edge, leaving a seam gap 
Put the long edges together and make sure that your gap is about 1 inch closer to one end
  • Turn the tube halfway to the right, match short raw ends 
Make sure you do this so that the stitching gap remains at the outside of the tube.
  • Stitch around the tubular short ends 
Match the raw edges and the seams short. Using a needle and thread, stitch the raw edges together; this tube is too small to fit around the presser foot of the sewing machine. 
  • Turn right through seam gap 
Reach through the gap in the stitching from step 1 after stitching the ends together and turn the scrunchy right side out-you should have a ring. 
  • Insert elastic 
Thread through one end of the elastic the safety pin or bodkin and feed the elastic through the ring / tube. Make sure you do not lose the inside end of the elastic.
  • Seam stitch gap closed 
Overlap the elastic ends and stitch them in. Then blind stitch closing the gap and you’re done!

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