How to Play with Bubbles


Bubbles are enchanting especially to kids. They also offer opportunities to stimulate multiple senses and easy ways to experiment. Grab your bubbles, head out and try different ways to spark wonder by playing bubble. Want to add more? Make your own wands or even your own bubble juice, too!

  • Get bubble juice:
  • Introduce bubbles: Read some bubble rhymes and songs to your children, and make them happy. Ask them, “Do you want to play bubbles? Me too! Do you want to play with some now? All right! Did you bring your bubbles? No? Oh, okay, I brought.” Go get your nothing. empty container. “Oh dear, all the bubbles I made have escaped! I still have a lot of bubble juice, though. Should we try to make bubbles? Yes?”
  • Make natural wands: You don’t have to use plastic to blow bubbles! Give your kids some pipe cleaners, and work with them to find 2 pencils the size / shape of the sticks. Then, help them make those sticks into bubble wands. You can also use wire, but pipe cleaners are easier for wees.
  • Make bubbles in many different ways and stimulate children’s senses!
  1. Enjoy watching the bubbles move and taste the sight as the colors rotate on their surfaces.
  2. Listen for the little “pop” sound.
  3. Feel the juice in your hand and the delicate skin of each bubble.
  4. Run with your wand, enable your big muscles and get proprioceptive input.
  5. Rotate with an outstretched wand, stimulate vestibular system as you go!
  6. Just enjoy blowing bubbles – focusing on the breath calms the kids and uses the jaw blast that actually enables proprioception!
  • Have fun and experiment a bit: Playing bubble is a great opportunity to enjoy age-appropriate mini-experiments just by asking your game. Here are some guidance guides you can float to your bubble makers:
  1. Which bubbles are the largest? smallest?
  2. How can we make a tiny, tiny bubble? A giant bubble?
  3. How can we pop bubbles? What is the best way?
  4. What part (s) of our bodies can we use to pop bubbles? Bubbles high? Low bubbles?
  5. Can you pop several bubbles at once?
  6. Do you hear a sound when bubbles pop? It sounds very quiet, but I bet the fairies in the forest can hear it. What do you think it is for them? (Start making sounds like yours or pop pop.)
  7. Can you catch a bubble? On your wand? In your hand? Try rubbing some bubble juice in the palm of your hand. Does it make it easier to catch bubbles?

Why is this activity great for children?
Magical bubbles are an easy entry point available to inspire joy and experimentation. The freedom to make a mess, try different tools and explore bubbles allows children to learn about cause and effect and think freely, helping them build a foundation for creative thinking later.

Playing with bubbles is physically fascinating, providing an opportunity to develop multiple motor skills and hand-eye coordination as children chase and pop bubbles. Children also develop persistence and grit as they adjust their approach to using different materials to make bubbles.

As they listen to literature about bubbles and share ideas about the size, shape, feel and sound of their bubbles, children develop communication and literacy skills.

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