How to Start a Victory Garden


Victory gardens are important part of United States’ history. They arose at a period when food scarcity was a very significant issue in the United States during World Wars I and II. Civilians were encouraged to “Grow for Victory” by growing and harvesting their own victory produce in order to reduce the amount of commercially manufactured food given to our troops. Because this was pre-Facebook, the word was disseminated through women’s groups and local groupings. The government distributed leaflets on how to maintain the war gardens as well as how to preserve and can food. As the war ended and food difficulties abated, so did people’s desire to continue farming in this manner.

Pumpkin, Squash, Garden

People are looking for methods to enjoy their time at home during these difficult times. Gardening not only provides fresh fruits and vegetables, but it also gives us something to anticipate on a daily basis as we see it grow. Our magnificent country is banding together once more to do our part. We’re all doing our part to remain healthy in different ways. Working in a garden is a relaxing hobby, and fresh fruits and vegetables are essential for a healthy immune system.

Gardening allows you to decompress while also allowing you to go outside in the sun while maintaining a safe social distance. All of the love and sweat equity you’ve put into your own garden will make it taste better than anything you can buy at the store. Planting delicacies like lettuce and blackberries can draw birds to your garden, and they’ll be your best pesticide ally, snacking on any bugs that get close to your created masterpieces.


Begin by planting a salad of your choice. What I mean is that you should only plant produce that you intend to eat. Which vegetables do you select and consume when you go to the grocery store? Those are the ones that should be planted right now. You can grow a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, and herbs to use as seasonings.

Bush beans, beets, broccoli, cabbage, sweet corn, onions, lettuce, potatoes, and peas are some delicious garden selections. Dill, basil, parsley, and chives are all so simple to grow that you can’t go wrong. Carrots are a versatile and fast-growing vegetable. Keep your landscape simple and you’ll always be pleased with the results.

Many of us are seeking for ways to support one another or know someone who may benefit from starting a garden of their own. Send seeds to friends or relatives who enjoy working in the ground and spending time outside in the sun.

Whether you’re alone or surrounded by others, gardening is a terrific way to pass the time in solitude. We grow in more ways than only what we create in the garden when we sow and harvest.

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