How to Pick the Best Watermelon


How to Pick the Best Watermelon Tips | Samoyed Dog Eating Watermelon

Here are 6 tips on how to pick the best watermelon that is ripe and sweet.
Picking out a watermelon at the grocery store was always a semi-anxiety plagued experience for me when I didn’t know what I was looking for.
I know that choosing the best watermelon in the grocery store will give you anxiety when you don’t know what you’re looking for.
You’re stuck with 15-20 whopping pounds of terrible watermelon experience if you pick a bad one. And then you can either force yourself to eat or throw away this yucky watermelon which are both bad ideas.
This article will help you pick the best, sweet, ripe watermelons so you won’t get frustrated again.
Read the tips below on How to Pick the Best Watermelon:
Tip #1: Find the Field Spot
I consider this is the greatest indicator of good watermelon.
The field spot is found on the outside. It’s a creamy spot and where the watermelon rests on the ground. It should be yellowish creamy color.
The darker yellow the color of the field spot, the longer it sweetened on the vine. You can easily know that a watermelon is underripe if the field spot is white.
Tip #2: Pick a Dull Looking Watermelon
A shiny look indicates an underripe watermelon.
Tip #3: Knock on It with Your Knuckles
The surface of the watermelon should be pretty hard/firm and your knuckles should bounce off. If the flesh is soft, you’ll get a dull thud that indicates it is beginning to spoil.
Tip #4: Get the Heaviest One for Its Size
This is true of almost all produce, but you want to choose the heaviest watermelon because there is more water in it.
Tip #5: Check for a Uniform Shape
Watermelons are either round or oval and both are fine. If there are unusual bumps, the watermelon may  gotten inconsistent amounts of sun or water.
Tip #6: Look for the Sugar Spots and Pollination Points
When there are black spots on the watermelon, this is where the sugar drains and it means it’s a sweet watermelon. Furthermore, if you see dots in a line, these are pollination points. The more of them, the better.

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